October 19, 2010
Today is my birthday!! Of course I'd been reminding my friends for the last two weeks or so they had some surprises planned! I was supposed to have Gender and Development from 9-11 and then Politics from 11-1, but Professor Wanyande was sick, so Politics was cancelled! (The first birthday gift.)

I made Roseanne take a picture with me. :)
We all met for lunch at around 11:30 at Pizza Inn, a lunch which my friends payed for so nicely! Emily came with bags of random birthday stuff, including some silver and blue tinsel which I was required to wear, noise-makers and a little piece of cake from a bakery with a few candles on top!

Zach and Emily

Mimansa and Amelia

Amelia and Meeee


The group (minus me)
Then they presented me with two gifts! Emily and Zach were the leaders in the gift-buying expedition, and I gave them both huge hugs. They found a canvas painting of a little African boy with TWO GOATS. (Backstory: I've become slightly obsessed with farm animals. When you're driving outside of the city, there are goats and cows everywhere! Literally, everywhere. Once we had to stop in the middle of the road because a herd of cows were blocking our way. And the goats are so cute - especially the little ones. Zach and I like to ask Rosie if we can get a goat for the Kalamazoo room. We told her we'd even get a little box for it to do it's business in! She still says no.) I laughed SO hard when I got the painting and then proceeded to hug each and every one of them. How nice. Emily got me this funny little graduation picture and a frame, because it had a cute little saying on it. And they all sang for me after we ate. It was so nice. I was worried I would get lonely on my birthday, missing home and such. I did a little bit, but I'm really glad my friends came through - they made my day.

The group plus me! And my goat picture haha.
After school I went home and took a long birthday nap. Amelia and I had plans to go out that night with her sister, Michelle, who's in town from Germany, so I knew I needed my sleep. Wednesday we didn't have classes because it's a national holiday - once entitled Kenyatta Day, after their first president, but now called Heros Day. Amelia and Michelle came over to my house around 8:30 and we waited with Kevin to Abby, Gavin and Arnold to show up.

Me and my host brother, Kevin
We went out to a couple clubs, blah blah blah, then went home.
I'll have to finish this post later because I forgot some other pictures from another night. :)