Thursday, August 26, 2010

four days!

hello all,
this is my blog! to help you (and me) keep track of my adventures in nairobi, kenya. if you haven't already noticed, by this first sentence, i will probably not be using a whole lot of capitol letters in this blog as it takes more time for me to write them - and when using a non-professional communication system such as this i don't find them necessary.

let's see, let's see. i leave on august 30th from detroit metro and will fly from there to the airport in amsterdam. we'll have a layover in amsterdam for 3 or 4 hours and then i leave again and will arrive in nairobi! i'm extremely excited, nervous, hopeful, all of the above. i'll be living in what's called a "homestay," which means i'll be living with a family. i have no idea who or what my family will be like! i hear that someone is going to give us a packet of information on our host families as soon as we board the plane. i wish i could get a little information sooner than that, but it will be a good thing to look over on the plane ride. i hope they have kids and animals. :)

other than that i'm working on getting things in order here in ann arbor (digital camera, fixing my lap top, packing, which mom is bugging me about) before i leave. this summer has gone by SO FAST and now that i'm leaving i feel like i have so little time to do and say the things in need to before i head off on this next adventure.

i'll try to write as often as i can, although i know i'll be busy. but i'll have a lot to share! hopefully internet cafes are plentiful and internet connection is good. i have high hopes. if anyone has skype this is my username, feel free to contact me: katie.wright2008

i love you all and will talk to you again soon!
kwaheri kwa sasa! (*goodbye for now!* in Swahili, which I have been re-learning the past few days)


  1. Katie -- We're SO GLAD you will have a blog going while in Nairobi. We Love you dearly -- forever and for always!

    love, mom and dad

  2. Hey lil sis! glad you made it alright. HAVE A BLAST!!! love ya!

  3. FANTASTIC, take the view again for me! I plan to live vicariously through your blog [will never get your uncle steve across the ocean] so keep things coming. But of course, being a teacher I know school comes FIRST.

    Loved all the time with you at the cottage

    Aunt Jo

  4. Before you get too excited about all "the hits on your blog", it is probably just Aunt Jo with blogitis. Went through the same things with Quincy. I'll try to descipline myself to check just once a week, Sunday Mornings! Let us know about school, exact buildings, so we can google photos!

    Aunt Jo
    KDZRGR8 and U R 2!

  5. Katie .. trying once again to see if I have this comment business set up right. Hope so but I'm not positive. Grandma

  6. Katie, the pictures are FANTASTIC! Quite a thrill to see things through your eyes. I especially liked the view of your room. Keep it clean and tidy, just like you do at home (ha ha!).

    Love, love, love you all the time.

    ~ Dad

  7. Of course part of your homesickness is cultural shock. Hang in there, become an "artful dodger" in traffic, you are too precious. Loved seeing the photos, I need some more computer sauvy. Maybe it is just spelling that i need.

    Luv U
